We are FlexTecs Nepal.

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 Employee Highlight


Sudan Chapagain

President , FlexTecs Nepal

This month, we celebrate Sudan for his steadfast leadership across the Nepal division and collaboration with the North American team. Because of Sudan’s proactive leadership, FlexTecs accomplished all Q1 milestones 2 months early for our largest client, a Top Global Online Retailer.

The Nepal team is the heart of FlexTecs and this could not be accomplished without them. We are all thrilled and look forward to achieving more goals.
— Sudan Chapagain

Our founders believed there was a better way… so they set out to build it.

Every day, we work to make things better - whether that means addressing the shortcomings present in the recovery auditing industry through disruptive innovation, offering more technology solutions that empower our clients, or giving back to our global community.

The Nepal service center is the heart of FlexTecs’ client-focused teams.

The center is a natural evolution, in part born from philanthropic work John Cook had been performing in the region for over 30 years.

Today, some of those whose education was supported through John’s work has gone on to become leaders within our operations at FlexTecs Nepal.

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